Industrial Laundry

Outsourcing of the washing and cleaning of textiles, as well as the leasing and renting of bedding, towels, tablecloths, napkins, etc.


Our Clients
Our Services

Our Offer

Washing of textiles for the accommodation sectors (hotels, aparthotels, apartments, bungalows) and restaurants. Always including collection and delivery service for textiles. In addition to a leasing or rental regime depending on your needs.

There is no type of textile for accommodation establishments and restaurants that our specialized industrial laundry cannot handle and manage with the care and precision that our customers demand of us.

Punctual Deliveries

Our transport service picks up and delivers the textiles.

Organic Products

Our ecological processes and products preserve fabrics.

Textile Waste Manager

Job Training

RFID System

The total control and identification of the textiles allows us to guarantee their traceability and offer all the necessary information to offer the best service.

About Us

foto del personal

40 years of service innovating like the first day

We provide personalized and competitive attention to accommodation establishments and restaurants. Continuously monitoring the state of the textiles we clean and keeping our customers informed at all times.

The laundry was founded with the commitment to offer comprehensive management, under criteria of quality, transparency and professionalism.

Industry 4.0




Corporate Social Responsibility

Prizes and Awards


Global Award for Best Practices

Awarded 5th place among the best 120 textile care companies in the world.


Carbon Footprint Reduction

Awarded by the Ministry of Ecological and Demographic Transition. For the use of Green energy through photovoltaic panels for self-consumption.


Certificate of Excellence

In recognition of the professional care of textiles.

Positive Waste Management

Ministry of Ecological Transformation, fight against global warming and territorial planning.

Certificate of Good Practices in Digital Transformation Management - Industry 4.0

Certifies the good practices of the Laundry with Digital Transformation and Connected Industry 4.0

SME of the Year Award - Las Palmas


SME EnterPRIZE Winners

Winners of the SME EnterPRIZE with the Environmental Sustainability Award

Certified quality management system

Certifies that the Management System of
Quality adopted by the organization complies with ISO 9001:2015


Environmental Management System Certificate

Certifies that the Management System of
Quality adopted by the organization complies with ISO 14001:2015

Members of
Lavandería Romeral, participa y colabora con distintas. Organizaciones empresariales afines a su sector.