

The logistics applied to the care and cleaning of textiles in accommodation establishments is one more aspect that has to face a tourism sector that aspires to be more competitive in an increasingly complex world and with a type of guest that demands more and more responsibility social and environmental aspects of the destinations that claim to be sustainable.

Una empresa 4.0 en el cuidado y limpieza de textiles

Gran Canaria is facing with great effort the tourist renewal of its lodging plant on the basis of facing the necessary changes to leave behind the obsolescence and deterioration of these, but the sector of the industrial laundry, from the international vision of CINET – International Committee of Textile Care, understands that in the field of cleaning textiles and garments of accommodation establishments there is still room for tourist renewal.

The tourist renewal is also innovating in the care and cleaning processes of the textiles of the accommodation establishments using passive RFID technology.

From the textile care sector, it is understood that the tourist renewal also implies that the lodging establishments have laundry services that bet for the quality in the productive processes, with a decided commitment for the social and environmental responsibility, all this through a continuous and sustained technological innovation.

The tourist is increasingly understood, looking for new attractions and accommodations that are part of the experience, that’s fine, but the arrival of new tourists who are more demanding with the sustainability of the destination is consolidated. The lodging establishments are not only places to sleep, but they are also increasingly the essential centre of the trip. The Canary Islands in general and Gran Canaria, in particular, are the fastest and best destinations to adapt to this new generational movement, but we must continue to reinforce and update the model from the perspective of having a more sustainable goal.

Lavandería Romeral is a crucial ally for the accommodation establishments of Gran Canaria, which want to complete their tourism renovation leaving behind obsolete production processes, in the sensitive field of care and cleaning of textiles, which sometimes prevent increasing the productivity of its employees and hence the improvement of competitiveness in an increasingly complicated and challenging market.

Lavandería Romeral is a 4.0 company that offers its clients its pillars: 1. Quality in production, 2. Social Responsibility, 3. Environmental Responsibility and 4. Technological innovation, facilitating to the accommodation establishments improvements in the care, cleaning and logistics of the textiles within the establishment, allowing orientation to more productive models and offering in addition to the laundry services, the dry cleaning and renting of textiles with the most demanding quality levels.

Lavandería Romeral is an ECOFRIENDLY company since it has water reuse technology and water energy recovery from its washing machines, and with the start-up of its solar photovoltaic power plant, which covers 70% of the electric power that consumed, has stopped emitting more than 60 tons of C02 into the atmosphere.

The implementation of cutting-edge technologies allows innovation in the processes by increasing the control of garment traceability offered by its latest generation RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) system. Is the same that the incorporation of a passive microchip to each garment, that allows to identify and control 100% of all hotel garments, both when the textile is in the laundry industrial plant and when it is in the hotels of the clients.

RFID technology guarantees the efficient tracking of each individual item of an inventory of bedding and towels, with significant reductions in the operating costs of a hotel to produce time savings in the processing of clothing, by the elimination of various procedures administrative matters during the expedition and reception, as well as the conciliation of orders with the laundry.

Romeral Laundry in its eagerness to collaborate with the hotels of Gran Canaria is clear that the tourist renewal goes through the training and training of professionals in the tourism sector. On June 13, 2019, will offer in its “Training Seminar: RFID Technology for intelligent management of clothes and lingerie in hotels” some keys to face the tourist renovation from the perspective of the improvement of the processes of care and cleaning of textiles.

Fuente: https://www.canarias7.es/

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